Roller Coaster Years

If anyone would have told me that this year would fly by so quickly, I would have probably told them that they were crazy. One year is 365 days. Or, if you're a Broadway fan, 525,600 minutes. When you say it aloud, it sounds absolutely bonkers. Three Hundred and Sixty Five Days. That's a whole lot of days! A whole lot of meals, a whole lot of naps, a whole lot of cups of coffee. But, you know, it happens. And here we are, 365 (give or take a few) cups of coffee later.

I don't want to sound cliche or silly, but this year really has been a roller coaster of events. At some moments, it was a roller coaster that was just so fun and exhilarating that I wanted to go again and again, shouting for "One More Time!" I did so many amazing things this year. I went to Seattle, I turned sixteen, I went to the beach, and hey; I even went to Disney World! What's better than the happiest place on earth? Absolutely nothing. Looking back on it, the good moments and times certainly outshine the bad. But they are still there.

There's no way to describe the pain and emotions of 2017 without sounding fragile or small or sensitive or annoying. There's no way to explain it to myself without listing all of these adjectives, and then some. I can barely explain it to my own doctor without wanting to sink back into my own flesh and blood and wish for the moment to be gone. Since that's the case, I can barely talk about it with my own friends & family without thinking that I'm just wasting my breath. But that's what it does. For now, we will call her it, as that's all the power that I can give her for now. Yes, she's a she.

I feel like everyone has roller coaster years, or even roller coaster days. Things just seem so good, and then so very bad. I know that I'm not alone and I know that I shouldn't pity myself because this is the 2017 that the universe, whatever part of it you believe in, decided to present. I'm working with it and I'm dealing with it. Slowly but surely.

For now, we'll remember the good and we will not dwell on the past. Here's to 2018! May it bring coffee and travels and good vibrations. May the people you meet spark a fire in you, may your happiness flourish and blossom, and may your eyeliner be even. Yes, I had to throw that in there.

2017 Favorite coming soon!


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